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Reunión de negocios en la mesa pequeña

Ideas Consulting Inc


"Excellent! Ideas Consulting and its team of mentors are extremely responsible, professional and organized. I would hire them constantly, as I can always have peace of mind that the results will be delivered on time and with high quality.”
-Andres Piñeiro Coen

Success in life always depends on you, on the decisions you make to get where you want to go. It has to be constant and transform challenges into opportunities, and if you continue like this for a certain time you will get to where you want to go.

"Everything Starts From Inside".


Excellent, Ideas Consulting (and especially architect Solano) are committed professionals and lovers of their work. I loved it because they took me seriously despite it being a small project.


Always with a good disposition on the part of my leaders, the Architect Gabriel Solano and his Partner, the Engineer Jaqueline Molina, who have guided me during the process of my University internship.


I thank Architect Gabriel Solano for giving me the opportunity to carry out my professional internship at Ideas Consulting and all his teachings.

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